Hi, I'm Sanjay
Here's, My Personal Porfolio
I'm a Frontend developer + UI/UX Designer. And I'm not an Average Developer or Designer.
Airbnb - clone
Made Airbnb Clone with React, the project includes Styled Component, props, Tailwind CSS, Calender Picker, Mapbox. I completed this project in about 5hrs
- React
- Javascript ES6
Crypto Platform
This was a lot of fun to build! I build this with React with Crypto API from scratch. Using the Coin Gecko API to access real time crypto informtion & data to display it on website.
- React
- JavaScript
Dark theme
Dark Theme Toggle was the feature that wanted to learn the most and finally i did it. Switch from Light to Dark Theme. The project is a bit drawn out since i design a login from scratch. Also used customized hooks
- React
- Javascript ES6
Javascript Portfolio
This is one of my Favourite Project. It was my first small portfolio. Made this with complete scratch (with some help) in Replit. There are total 5 projects in this 1 project. My only aim was to get good at javascript & CSS
- Javascript
- html
E-commerce Platform
Shopping Cart with Javascript. It was one of the difficult project. While Building this project I Improved my Vanilla Javascript skill & learning('vanilla' just means JavaScript with no frameworks or libraries).
- Javascript
- html
Expense Tracker
Expense Tracker is a basic React project. I learned about React Hooks & Contetx API. React Hooks like useState, useContext, useReducer were been used in this project.
- Vanilla Javascript
- React
The Technologies I'm working with & I'm Proficient with-
Experience with
React.jsResponsive Design
Experience with
html,css & JavascriptUI/UX Design
Experience with
Figma, Adobe XD
About Me
I have total 3 years of Experience in Building & Creating Design.
Started off as a Graphic Designer & deep dived into the design fundamentals
Soon got into UI/UX Design & gained 11 months exp in working with teams
Got into Development & started off learning about Front end development
Invested all my time into building projects & made sure to be Excellent at what I do
Personal Achievements
Clients as a Freelance Graphic Designer
Worked with Companies & Agencies as a UI/UX Designer
Request from Companies to join as a UI/UX Designer